Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ni vordi babal in iorpún - Der Babel Text in Iorpún

Ni vordi babal bó (na) bibal/ar bibaloq - der Babel Text aus der Bibel/der Bibel:
€ I ter total dág un lingux et un art ar parloq.
~ i tär total dog un linguch e un art ar parlok
UK In the whole earth there was one language and one dialect.

€ Et as z ig depart bó orient, z ig find/truv t’val i nazon ar zinaroq et z ig satal dor.
~ e as schig däpart ba orient, schig find/truw t wal I naschon ar schinaroq e schig satal dor.
UK And when they departed from the East, they found a valley in the nation of Shinar and they settled there.

€ Et z ig parl/dir t’les qa’iz: Gi , tharó me t’ et qon . Et z ig
UK And they said to each other: Come, let's make bricks and let's fire them with fire. And they used the bricks as stones, and they used soft coal as lime.

€ Et z ig parl: Anz/Qum, gi qreat t’zidad por les qa’iz, et an tur/t’tur qol, v distribut laq fas ar teroq total.
~ e schig parl: ansch/kum, gi kreat t schidad por läs kaisch, e an tur/tur kol, w distribut lak fas ar tärok total.
UK And they said: Come, let's build ourselves a city, and a tower, whose summit will reach the sky, and let's get glory for ourselves, before we spread over the face of the whole world.

€ Et na LORD tog t’zidad et t’tur peq ni infanti ar umanoq had qreatad
~ e na lord tog t schidad e tur päk ni infanti ar umanok had kreatad
UK And the LORD went down, to see the city and the tower, that the children of Man had built.

€ Et na LORD tog parl: Húr dá un púpal, et z hab/hav t’lingux unast; et húr
~ e na lord tog parl: hier do un piepal, e schät hab/haw t linguch unast; e hier
UK And the LORD said: Here is one people, and they all have one language; and here is what they started to do, and they won't be hindered in anything that they've decided to do.

€ So, tarm “go down” et tarm qonfus t’lingux qa’iz i dor, so, in ord á/in ord z ig gán/non qapiz t’spúdz les qa’iz. (tarm = let us)
~ so, tarm „go daun“ e tarm konfus t linguch kaisch i dor, so, in ord o/in ord schig gan/non kapisch t spiedsch läs kaisch.
UK So let's go down, and let's confuse their language there, so that they don't understand each other's speech.

€ Et na LORD tog skat les qa’iz aft dor laq fas ar vorloq total, et z ig stop á qreat t’zid(ad).
~ e na lord tog skat les kaisch aft dor lak fas ar worlok total, e schig stop ó kreat t schid(ad).
UK And the LORD scattered them from there over the face of the whole world, and they stopped building the city.

€ púpal tig nam babal url/qos i dor na LORD tog qonfus t’lingux ar vorloq total, et aft na LORD tog les qa’iz laq fas ar vorloq total.
~ piepal tig nam babal url/kos i dor na lord tog konfus t linguch ar vorlok total, e aft na lord tog läs kaisch lak fas ar worlok total.
UK That's why people called it Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world, and from there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole world.

Na vit/lev i zid(ad) morast/qapital irúz Dublin – Das Leben in der irischen Hauptstadt Dublin
€ “A vit/lev i zid(ad) Dublin. A vos natalad in Hamburg i Garmanú”, est parl Mixal to fem bel Claire bó franqú
~ “a wit/läw i schid(ad) dablin. A wos natalad in hamburg i garmanie” äst parl michal to fäm bäl klär bá frankie
D “Ich lebe in der Stadt Dublin. Ich wurde in Hamburg in Deutschland geboren”, sagt Michael zur schönen Frau Claire aus Frankreich
UK “I live in the city of Dublin. I was born in Hamburg in Germany”, says Michael to the beautiful woman Claire from France

Grammatik: Zeitengeschwemme et Zeitengedränge: Present, Past, Futur, Present Perfekt, Past Perfekt, Passiv

€ Mil mil important!
~ mil mil important!
D Sehr sehr wichtig!
UK Very very important!

€ A st/est drinq t’vin roz, a tog drinq t’botal/t’flaz ar akvoq, a vol/vor drinq t’búr, a hab/hav drinq t’milq, a had drinq t’zokolad, na vin roz/blanq vos drinqad bó les qa’ab
~ ast/a äst drink t win rosch, a tog drink t botal/t flasch ar akwok, a wol/wor drink t bier, a hab/haw drink t milk, a had drink t schokolad, na win rosch/blank wos drinkad ba läs kahab
D Ich trinke den Rotwein, ich trank die Wasserflasche, ich will das Bier trinken, ich habe die Milch getrunken, ich hatte die Schokolade getrunken, der Rot/Weißwein wurde von mir getrunken
UK I drink the red wine, I drank the bottle of water, I will drink the beer, I have drunken the milk, I had drunken the chocolate, the red/white wine was drunken by me

€ V ist drinq t’vin roz, v ig drinq t’botali/t’flazi ar akvoq, v il (v vil)/vir drinq t’búr, v hab/hav drinq t’milq, v had drinq t’zokolad, ni vini roz vis drinqad bó les qa’iz
~ Wist drink t win rosch, wig drink t botali/t flaschi ar akwok, wil (w wil)/wir drink t bier, wi hab/haw drink t milk, wi had drink t schokolad, ni wini rosch/blank wis drinkad ba läs kaisch
D Wir trinken den Rotwein, wir tranken die Wasserflaschen, wir wollen das Bier trinken, wir haben die Milch getrunken, wir hatten die Schokolade getrunken, die Rot/Weißweine wurden von uns getrunken
UK We drink the red wine, we drank the bottles of water, we will drink the beer, we have drunken the milk, we had drunken the chocolate, the red/white wines were drunken by us

Ni qolori – die Farben
€ Na vin roz, ni volqi blanq, na gamal/skúx/hevan blu, na sol galb/galv, na qolor okar, na gras verd/grún/grun, na pantar pinq, na flor/blum lil, ni qapali brun, na zaf/zúp blaq, na land gold, na bulat silbar/silvar,
~ na win rosch, ni wolki blank, na gamal/skiech/häwan blu, na sol galb/galw, na kolor okar, na gras wärd/grien/grun, na pantar pink, na flor/blum lil, ni kapali brun, na schaf/schiep blak, na land gold, na bulat silbar/silwar,
D Der rote Wein, die weißen Wolken, der blaue Himmel, die gelb Sonne, die Farbe Ocker/die ockerne Farbe, das grüne Gras, der pinke (rosarote) Panther, die lila Blume, die braunen Pferde, das schwarze Schaf, das goldene land, die silberne Kugel,
UK The red wine, the white clouds, the blue sky, the yellow sun, the green grass, the pink panther, the lilac flower, the brown horses, the black sheep, the golden land, the silver bullet,

Na ros blanq bó Muniq – die weiße Rose aus München
€ Na flor blanq, “na ros blanq” ar familoq Scholl i Muniq
~ na flor blank, “na ros blank” ar familok scholl i munik
D Die weiße Blume, „die weiße Rose“ der Familie Scholl in München
Uk The white flower, „the white rose“ of the family Scholl in Munich

Tarm dorm, amorúni!
€ Tarm dorm ay nit/nut/nat, amorúni! Nit/nat gud or nux bon!
~ tarm dorm ai nit/nut/nat, amorieni! nit/nat gud or nuch bon!
D Lasst uns schlafen heute Nacht, Freunde! Gute Nacht!
UK Let us sleep tonight, friends! Gute Nacht!

Por mor informazoni go qontakt, qon-vil-qa'un!

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